
25 May, 2023 16:19
A system of blocking access to websites creates vulnerability for Russian cyber-attacks, risks for freedom of speech and collects personal data of users

At the request of ‘Bukvy’, the Internet Association of Ukraine provided an explanation of the risks created by the launch of the system of blocking access to websites in Ukraine an ...

16 May, 2022 12:24
We ‘rained on Russia’a parade’ – Ukrainian officials report 240 successful cyber attacks on Russian websites

Ukraine’s digital transformation ministry said in a statement  Monday the country cyber specialists are stepping up their cyber response to Russia’s invasion. “IT army is defending ...

5 Oct, 2021 19:29
How Bukvy has battled a month-long cyber-attack 

A 'Bukvy' story about the controversial Ukrainian space entrepreneur led to a massive DDos attack. What tricks are attackers using to block our news website.