Ukrainian cuisine

18 Nov, 2022 00:30
Ukrainian borshch wins best dish award in Japan

The Ukrainian borshch, probably the most prominent dish of the national cuisine, which was recently named part of the UNESCO heritage, won the award in Japan as the best national d ...

5 Jan, 2022 13:42
Kutya: history and recipe of traditional Ukrainian Christmas dish

Kutya is the main Christmas dish prepared all over Ukraine, ‘Bukvy’ suggests an overview of the history and traditional recipes of the dish.

18 Sep, 2021 08:32
New York restaraunt chef take on varenyky

Dumplings, also known as ‘pierogi’ and ‘varenyky’, is one of the most popular Ukrainian dishes. 'Bukvy' offers the originial recipe for beef rib dumplings from Dmytro Martseniuk, Ukrainian restaurant chef in Manhattan.

11 Sep, 2021 08:23
Potato pancakes from Manhattan: simple recipe of popular dish

Potato pancakes, known in Ukraine as deruny, is definitely the ultimate comfort food and so ridiculously easy, which makes the recipe a go-to for a weekend morning meal. 'Bukvy' learned the secrets of deruny-making from Dmytro Martseniuk, a three-time winner of the New York potato pancakes festival and the chef of ‘Veselka’ Ukrainian restaurant in Manhattan.