Около 200 тыс. тонн японской военной техники времен Второй мировой войны покоится на дне Тихого океана в районе микронезийских островов Чуук.

Как сообщает Daily Mail, снимки удивительной красоты удалось сделать американскому инструктору по подводному плаванию Бренди Мюллер, которая специально ради этого погружалась всю неделю по 5 раз в день. 

По данным издания, вся эта военная техника в свое время была частью японской армии, которая располагалась в годы Второй мировой войны на военно-морской базе на микронезийских островах.

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A couple of Type Three Chi-Nu Japanese tanks lie piled on top of each other on the ocean floor, where they have become home to an array of wildlife. Covered in a thick layer of coral and wildlife, the tanks are among the 400 aircrafts and 50 naval ships which were sunk in Operation Hailstone in February 1944

A vast cache of Japanese ammunition litters the floor inside one of the sunken military vehicles at the wreckage site. The devastating bombing campaign by the American Fleet Task Force 58 decimated much of Japan's vital military resources in remote Micronesia

A World War II breathing respirator, possibly from one of the four Japanese planes at the bottom of the ocean, sits among a large pile of twisted metal and well preserved glass at the site of the wreck

Resting on top of one submarine, a well preserved first aid box lies next to an array of bottles and dishes at the wreckage site. Many of the sunken vessels were mechant ships, transporting key supplies to the Japanese naval base on the Caroline Islands

A fellow diver takes a breather whilst resting inside the rusty remains of a World War II Japanese armoured tank 

Undisturbed since the 36 hour bombing campaign from 17 to 18 February 1944, this box of bottles was spotted among the wreckage

Following their success in the Marshall Islands, Operation Hailstone played a vital part in battering Japan's miltiary forces in the Pacific

The wreck in the Federated States of Micronesia is considered one of the best diving locations in the world

Covered in dust and coral, much of the Japanese naval base's key military equipment in Micronesia lies undisturbed on the ocean floor 

From tanks to submarines, this military equipment was once part of a key Japanese naval base in Chuuk Lagoon, Micronesia

Справка. 17 февраля 1944 г. более 400 самолетов и 50 японских военных кораблей были потоплены в ходе военной операции США “Хилстон”. Тогда это позволило американцам получить превосходство над противником в Тихом океане.