Герцоги и герцогини Сассекские (британский принц Гарри с Меган Маркл) и Кембриджские (принц Уильям с Кейт Миддлтон) запустили горячую линии психологической помощи Shout.

Об этом сообщает агентство Reuters.

Цель нового сервиса состоит в круглосуточной оперативной помощи людям, находящимся в сложной психологической ситуации (например, тем, кто задумывается о суициде, страдает от жестокого обращения в семье или запугивания и так далее).

Волонтеры будут обрабатывать текстовые заявки в онлайн-режиме. Предполагается, что подобный формат будет удобным для молодежи, привыкшей общаться в мессенджерах.

Официально Shout представили в пятницу. В то же время данный проект уже несколько месяцев работает в тестовом режиме. В частности, на ноябрьской встрече с волонтерами члены королевской семьи пообщались с ними, а также рассказали, какова цель проекта.


Фото: Reuters

По случаю презентации сервиса принц Уильям записал видеообращение, в котором призвал присоединиться к инициативе. Так, количество задействованных в проекте волонтеров хотят увеличить с 1000 до 4000 человек.

“Горячая линия работает 24/7 и соединяет людей с обученными волонтерами, которые помогут им выйти из состояния кризиса, чтобы потом уже предоставить долгосрочную помощь в решении проблемы”, – рассказал о новом проекте принц Уильям.

Он добавил, что любой может присоединиться к Shout в качестве волонтера.





Фото: Reuters

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The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have today launched Shout, a 24/7 crisis text service, as a legacy of @heads_together. We are excited to share this special video from The Duke of Cambridge calling for more volunteers to join us so we can grow the service and be a part of something very special. • This is a new and flexible volunteering opportunity, it fits around your lifestyle and you pick the hours that suit you and it can all be done from home. We give you 25 hours training and ask for a comitment of 200 hours. Visit the link in our bio to find out how to apply to become a Crisis Volunteer | #GiveUsAShout #mentalhealth

Публикация от Shout UK (@giveusashoutinsta)

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Shout connects people in need to trained #Volunteers who provide help when it’s most needed. Shout, in partnership with @crisistextline, is powered by a team of incredible #CrisisVolunteers who are at the heart of this service. They take people from crisis to calm everyday and help them form a plan to find long-term support. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and The Duke and Duchess of Sussex said: ‘We are incredibly excited to be launching this service knowing it has the potential to reach thousands of vulnerable people every day…We have all been able to see the service working up close and are so excited for its future’. Visit the link in bio to find out more ??• #GiveUsAShout #volunteer #mentalhealth

Публикация от Shout UK (@giveusashoutinsta)

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Today in the UK, a critical new 24/7 text helpline has launched – @giveusashoutinsta This free text messaging helpline is a private, silent and trusted way, for those experiencing mental health challenges to find a safe space to seek help and support. This is an extension of the @heads_together initiative backed by The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and The Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Earlier last year, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex began supporting this vital program behind the scenes by hosting a meeting at Kensington Palace with contributors and partners. Last November, Their Royal Highnesses also made a surprise visit to meet with a group of Shout volunteers, and participated in a panel with mental health activist @bryonygordon hearing firsthand how the volunteers have found making the connection with vulnerable texters, a majority of whom are under 25, so rewarding – helping to get them through a moment of crisis to a calmer place, and giving them courage to find longer-term support. Powered by a team of trained volunteers, Shout has already quietly enlisted and trained 1,000 volunteers over the last 12 months, whom in turn have helped 60,000 people. SHOUT is modeled on @crisistextline in the US, which since 2013 has processed more than 100 million messages, Shout is the largest initiative of The Royal Foundation to date, in partnership with @heads_together. Tapping into the UK’s volunteer community, Shout aims to recruit 3,000 additional volunteers by the end of the year. Mobilizing a volunteer community with this innovative use of technology will go a long way in helping people get the critical help they need, often in the darkest of times, when those are privately and silently suffering and afraid to seek help. To sign up to volunteer, visit www.giveusashout.org Be the change you wish to see in the world.

Публикация от The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal)

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